Fall photos - and my kids
Here we go. I am not going to sugarcoat what can literally feel like the production of the year for me. Photographing my own kids in a more “formal” setting is hard. The tricks I use on all the other kids I work with don’t work with mine. Period:)
However, these pictures are important. Take the picture…and print the picture. These are moments that are gone in the blink of an eye.
Fall literally snuck up on us this year. It might be hard to remember, but nearly every weekend from September - October has been perfect. As I type this, it’s the first weekend, where I haven’t had a photoshoot since mid-August. It’s insane to think in this short timeframe, how many sessions I’ve had. I am incredibly grateful for all my families, but I knew one thing was missing…a session with my own kids.
So with my kids, I look at it similar to the grieving process for them. Shock, denial, anger…followed by a few other steps, which gets us to the final step…acceptance. This is of course is their reaction, not mine. I picked out the outfit for my daughter, and she told me she didn’t like it - instantly. My son loathes getting “fancy” (his words, not mine) and threw a fit when I told him he not only had to wear a sweater, but also couldn’t wear his Crocs. Then the dog…OH the dog. Of course, she had to be in the pictures.
Our window to execute was 45 minutes. It was a Monday, and I rushed home from work knowing that the lighting, leaves, temperature…everything was perfect for fall photos. J’s hair…curl, A’s hair...gel (which resulted in another fit), dog treats packed, but one thing was missing from this equation…my husband to help. I had the role of the photographer, parent, dog keeper, and everything else.
Regardless, off we went. The good news is that within a few minutes of our stroll from home, we are surrounded by plenty of green space and leaves. The area we went to, I’ve always wanted to take my kids pictures during the fall…for YEARS. Yet, I just never executed.
Finally, this year, we executed. There might have been some bribery. There might have been some strong discipline with the dog…after a couple walking by had asked if she had training.
Begin quick rant:
{For the record, my pooch has had training…but when this “couple” comes up to me and asks if she can have a treat…of course she’ll want a treat. I mean she’s a Labrador who has in her genetic makeup to love food and people. Yet, what made me want to say “do you have any idea what I am trying to do?” Can it not be any clearer that I am trying to get pictures of my kids…because they are sitting in the middle of a path, on a blanket, dressed up…while I am on the ground with the camera and the dog’s leash wrapped around my foot…WITH her behind me so she doesn’t photobomb?!?! And you ask me at that point if my dog has had training.}
End rant.:)
After that snafu, we did it. We pulled it together, and got some great shots. That lighting…perfection. Those leaves...glorious. The kids and dog…pretty cute. However, it’s so important to know that even though I have taken thousands of pictures, it’s still a journey for me. I am still learning, I am still trying new things, and taking risks. It’s something no matter what your passion, you should always continue to do.
Of course, no session is complete without showing all of those “candid” moments captured:) Take a peek.
Cheers to the completion of my kids fall photos…2019.