Farewell summer
Hands down, summer is my favorite time of year. By about March…no wait…February, I am yearning for the perfect nights, careless days, morning walks with the pooch, lazy afternoons at the pool, ice cream, open toed shoes, and the simple outdoor adventures that bring our family together.
When it’s time for school to begin, I have to admit, I get a little sad. While I am ready for us to get back on a schedule - the hustle and bustle of the year puts everyone in a different mindset. Even with our kids participating in no more than two activities at a time, it can be a lot. Each week, it’s a giant logistical puzzle figuring out who needs to be where and when. Then of course, it’s the million dollar question - what’s for dinner? This, I am not quite ready for.
Our summer this year, was so good to us. We did just about everything on our bucket list without the feeling that we were trying to cram it all in. We truly relaxed. From our trip to New England to swimming, bike rides, and a bourbon drink on the porch (thanks to my husband the bartender), I can’t tell you how many times I thought to myself, how much I not only love summer, but love this little life with my family. As I look through my pictures, I realize time and time again that it’s the experiences that count the most.
So as another school year begins. I’ll be like every other parent, taking pictures with the infamous first day signs, but a part of me will be sad. Of course, I won’t miss the bickering and tantrums between the kiddos, but on the flip side it’s another summer coming to an end…and one less season I will have left with them.