In the rush to return to normal…
Sixty days. It’s been sixty days since lives were turned upside down with Covid-19 and our new “norm” of a quarantine lifestyle.
The sandwich generation…take two
I've really thought hard about sharing this. It's actually been saved in a drafts folder since January 2018.
Fall photos - and my kids
Here we go. I am not going to sugarcoat what can literally feel like the production of the year for me. Photographing my own kids in a more “formal” setting is hard. The tricks I use on all the other kids I work with don’t work with mine. Period:)
Farewell summer
Hands down, summer is my favorite time of year. By about March…no wait…February, I am yearning for the perfect nights, careless days, morning walks with the pooch, lazy afternoons at the pool, ice cream, open toed shoes, and the simple outdoor adventures that bring our family together.
When the kiddos aren’t picture perfect
My kids are getting older, and I say this all the time…I hate it. I literally look at how many years are left until they turn 18, and with my older one - we’re more than half-way there.